
Menampilkan postingan dari Oktober, 2010

The second edition of my book Finance!

The second edition of my text book Finance – Markets, Instruments & Investments is now in print! The book is available here and (soon) here . The timing of the first edition was perfect (kind of...); it was printed three years ago and hit the bookshelves two months after the start of the financial crisis in the summer of 2007! I hope the financial system will undergo less change in the next three years than it did during the last three years……

Man against machine - Norwegian style!

1997 slog schackdatorn Deep Blue den Baku-födde schackvärldsmästaren Garry Kasparov (född Garry Weinstein) och vägrade sedan Garry en returmatch. Även om människan i detta fall anklagade datorn för att fuska kvarstår faktum att maskinen slog en av mänsklighetens mest briljanta hjärnor! Detta leder oss osökt till nyheten om att två norska daytraders i förra veckan lyckades slå dagens "motsvarighet" till Deep Blue (Deep Blue var en superdator och även om den också var programmerad i högnivåspråket C så haltar förstås jämförelsen något). Den senaste veckan har dessa day traders valsat runt i media för deras lyckade försök att slå maskinen, i detta fall en dator programmerad med algoritmer konstruerade för att tjäna pengar på aktiehandel. Jag har försökt att försöka förstå vad dessa två norska day traders har gjort för något olagligt. Jag har dock inte lyckats förstå vad det är! Kan någon hjälpa mig? För er som inte vet vad jag pratar om kan vi sammanfatta det hela (så ovinklat...

Fixed Income relative value trading is back!

For all of you who remember Long Term Capital Management , the huge hedge fund that collapsed in late 1998, it could be interesting to hear that their (original) trading strategy is back on track after more than a decade in the shadows! Long Term was the financial poster child of the 90s; the fund was managed by the famous Salomon Br. trader John Meriwether, it was co-run by J.M.s old Salomon friends Hilibrand, Haghani and Rosenfeld and, most impressively, had two Nobel laureates as partners, i.e. Merton and Scholes, the options pricing gurus! Long Term used complex models to make money on government bond prices in major countries converging over time. Of course, the pricing errors in US, Japan and EU government bond markets are typically extremely small so the trades had to be done with a lot of leverage to boost the returns. That was also the way Long Term liked to do it and their debt was often ten or twenty times their equity. Towards the end their leverage ratio was as high as 10...

Go east, boys and girls!

I am now back in Lund after having visited Zhejiang University in Hangzhou. Overall, I had a great time! See this link for my paper presentations at Zhejiang University. I have been to China a couple of times before so I think I can say with some degree of certainty that I am truly impressed with the speed with which that country develops. Last time I visited China was in 2004 (Shanghai) and you can really touch the difference! Both Shanghai and Hangzhou gets more and more the feeling of Taipei, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur or Tokyo. Since I lived in a leafy up-market part of Hangzhou I sometimes (N.B., sometimes….) even thought I was in Tokyo! It was fairly quiet, green and everywhere there were quiet 6-cylinder Mercedes-clones with automatic gear boxes sneaking up on you. OK, let’s not exaggerate things (everything is certainly not wonderful for an expat living in China and much of my praise is relative rather than absolute), but I must recommend all the younger readers of this blog to sta...

Hans hemma igen!

På förekommen anledning vill jag påpeka att anledningen till att jag inte skrivit något under min tid i Kina inte varit att jag inte velat. Anledning är helt enkelt att min blog är censurerad av de kinesiska myndigheterna! Det går helt enkelt inte att öppna den i Kina. Trist men sant…… ps. Jag återkommer med en rapport om Kina inom kort.